The dielamma is that the Lake trout was just moved in the cutthorat’s lake and is feeding off them and comppetting for food.If the Lake trout decrease the cutthoart’s population and other animal’s population will go down.So the big thing is how do you protect the native Yellowstone cutthoart and species dependant on them?
I think that we should move the lake trout to another pound,small lake, or river so they won’t bother the cutthoart .Also they won’t decrese any kind of speciese that feed on the cutthoart.
The lake trout and cutthoart won’t compeite for survial.
The lake trout will have more room.
The animals that feed on the cutthorat will survive.
Some fish might die when moving the lake trout.
They have to find the right pound.
It might take time and money moving the fish.
The reason I choose this solution is, it was the cheapist.
Also it saved alot of fishes lives and there is a reason GOD put them on this earth.
It also means less work and we don’t have to have a fishing touranment.
It saved speices that feed on the cutthoart.
That’s why I choose to do this solution.